Wednesday, October 22, 2008

This review is reprinted with Grant's (from WA) permission and his words first appeared on Mark Dullea's "Challenger Forum" on October 22, 2008:

New Turbo Pads
I just wanted to share. I believe Challenger now has a new type of OP pad called a Turbo Pad. These are 21" pads that are fairly thick. They hold a TON of soil and are much much gentler on carpets than any cotton pad, yet clean IMO just as well.

I had the benefit of getting one of these pads 4 or 5 months ago and have put about 100 uses or so on mine. It is starting to develop a hole in it so I may not get too much more use out of that one. If these pads don't get holes I would expect them to last 200-300 uses. These pads are well worth the extra $ over cottons, and they also run on the Challenger Max.

I certainly recommend to all you Challenger users to get one or two and try. If you like them as much as I do you may well find yourselves switching over to them.

Thanks for reading with me,


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