Saturday, December 6, 2008

Rug Restore Works!

Joe, from Chicago, adds his words to the chorus of high praise for our Rug Restore:

Dear Chris, Thanks again, I've used this product (
Rug Restore) (for) a customer, and you wouldn't believe! I had a customer call to clean 330 chairs, hence the order. I am sold (on Rug Restore), and I believe we'll be doing business for some time to come.... (We) may be needing several more Challenger Machines in the very near future. MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Thank you, Joe, we look forward to serving you and spreading the word about how effective our plant based, environmentally friendly products clean for professionals on the job.
Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Joyous Kwanza, and all-in-all Happy Family Time!

Thanks for reading with me,