Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Why a Challenger Blog?

Hello, my name is Chris Watson. When you call Challenger Pad Systems office you will, most likely, hear my voice on the other end of the phone.

I wanted to start a blog on our website so I could interact with our customers and share insider secrets and strategies. There is already a wonderful Challenger Forum, owned and managed by Mark Dullea on his website: www.drysdales123.com but wanted the opportunity to have a conversation with our customers and prospects.

I am not a computer whiz. I don’t know a lot about blogging but I have done some research and feel like it would be a good experiment to see if anyone is out there and interested in my ramblings.

I read a dozen articles, and I am still not sure what I am doing, but the research all said I should be blogging so these are the reasons that I started this experiment:

  • Business experts on the internet say that I should be blogging for Challenger.
  • A blog is a great way to share knowledge and interact conversationally.
  • I am not sure anyone wants to hear what I have to say so this blog is an experiment to see if others will respond.

So here goes… Thanks for reading with me,



Chris Watson said...

I need to correct the initial blog regarding the site of the Challenger Forum. It should have read as follows:

“There is already a wonderful Challenger Forum, owned and managed by Mark Dullea on his website: www.carpet-cleaning-business.com.but ( I )wanted the opportunity to have a conversation with our customers and prospects (so I am starting this Blog).”

My apologies to Mark for the earlier misdirection to his Forum.

Thanks for reading with me,

Steve B. said...

I'm happy to see this Chris. It'll be great to have a connection with you folks to ask questions and to find out about new products such as that new machine. My Challenger is still the single best investment I've made in my business, still troublefree after 5 years.

Chris Watson said...

Great! I am delighted that the Challenger System is working so well for you! Five years is a wonderful track record. I was talking to a customer in Missouri yesterday. He was telling me his latest success story and he ended by saying, "You make it simple; you make it good!" That is what we like to hear!
Thanks for reading with me,