Thursday, September 13, 2007

Website Marketing

I hired a man to build my website seven years ago and have been second guessing him ever since. I have changed a lot of things and even improved a few.
I was talking to a friend of mine yesterday and she had some new ideas to add to the mix so I thought I'd pass some along that might help you on your website. I am not saying I have implemented all her great ideas, but I do think they are worth our consideration. She started by telling me that people coming to the website look first at the top left corner so that is where your most important statement should be. Your business name, your logo, your business identity, whatever you want to catch the attention of a visitor first.
Testimonials from your customers are extremely important, she reminds me, in establishing your credibility as an authority in your field of business. They should relate specific results and as many numbers as possible. Include pictures, names, and states for the person giving you the testimonial.
Most importantly, the first page of your website - and mine - must describe who you are, what you do, and the reason customers should call you. Time for me to give my website another look, how about yours?
Thanks for reading with me,

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